R&D Center

In order to provide better quality assurance for battery packs, our company has the most professional engineering research and development team that can provide various types of independent research and development PCM design solutions according to customer needs. The company has advanced research and development, testing equipment and manufacturing facilities, and has a group of advanced management personnel, engineers, technical personnel and professional marketing personnel.

Our R&D Center: The Heart of Innovation at BAK Technology

The Foundation of Innovation

Наш Research and Development Center is at the heart of BAK Technology’s success. We believe, focusing on science and researching is a cornerstone of progress and quality within the battery industry. Our mission is unwavering: to guarantee unparalleled quality in every battery pack we manufacture. In the realm of battery production, particularly with LIPO и LiFePo4 batteries, achieving excellence is paramount.

This goal becomes attainable through the deep expertise of our seasoned engineers. Their skill lies in creating tailored Protection Circuit Module (PCM) designs. These aren’t just any designs we thoughtfully make them to fit the varied needs of our clients.

Every client we serve has unique demands. And it’s our job to meet these demands head-on.

How do we do this?

We guarantee that each solution we deliver is a masterpiece of uniqueness.
Just as every client is a universe unto themselves, every solution we craft is a singular beacon of innovation – unreplicated, unparalleled.
This level of customization helps to reach two goals. It sets us apart and it makes our products not just solutions but perfect fits for each client.

Our engineers don’t just work with technology; they work with vision. They take the time to understand the specific requirements of each project. Then, the burning mixture of knowledge and creativity comes to design a PCM that’s just right.

One-size-fits-all approach was never an option for us. Even our products are for everyone, each of them is bespoke. We tailor it to the individuality of your needs.

Our approach isn’t just a strategy; it’s a declaration of war on mediocrity, ensuring each product we forge is nothing less than legendary in quality.

Our commitment to bespoke lithium batteries craftsmanship is reaching the height of unwavering. We believe there is no other way to produce what we are passionate about. This is why our clients keep choosing us, time after time, without fail. In our industry, this unparalleled customization and razor-sharp attention to detail sets us leagues apart. But for us, it’s the just standard – the standard we defined.

It’s the BAK Technology way.

Pillars of Our R&D Center

IC/MOS Integrity

At BAK Technology, our commitment to integrity in our components is unwavering. We use only authentic Integrated Circuits (IC) and Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) transistors in our products. Our dedication to using genuine parts definitely helps to maintain quality. But with quality along come the utmost reliability and peak performance of our batteries. Trust in our components is trust in our brand.

OEM/ODM Excellence

At BAK Technology, we don’t just produce; we pioneer. Each OEM/ODM service we offer is more than a transaction—it’s a journey into the heart of what you envision. Our knack for molding our services to fit the exact shape of your dreams is not just a skill; it’s our promise to you. Imagine a world where every product isn’t just made but is crafted with the distinct pulse of its creator’s vision—that’s the world we strive to build.
Our narrative begins with a simple yet profound partnership. We listen with intent, understand with empathy, and act with precision. This is not merely a process; it’s a dialogue where your vision becomes the blueprint of our creation. Each product that leaves our premises is a testament to this shared journey—a piece of a bigger dream woven into the fabric of reality.
We are dedicated to the standards we defined. Not following but leading the industry – this is our way.
Innovation became a synonym of excellence in our industry. This pushes us to the frontline.
There we ensure that our creations not only meet the needs of today but also inspire the possibilities of tomorrow. We commit to leading the march towards the future, hand in hand with you.
In the essence of BAK Technology’s OEM/ODM services, you’ll find more than our core values of adaptability, client-focus, and innovation. You’ll discover a commitment to transforming visions into realities, fostering not just satisfaction but a legacy of trust, reliability, and collective triumph.

Dedicated R&D Team

At the heart of our R&D Center pulses the vibrant energy of our dedicated team of professional engineers. Their collective expertise isn’t just a tool; it’s the lifeblood. It drives our capacity to offer a diverse range of bespoke R&D PCM design solutions.
Each solution is more than an answer. A handcrafted key, intricately designed to unlock the unique potential within every customer requirement.
This team, our cornerstone, stands not on the laurels of their expertise but on their unwavering dedication. Our commitment is relentless.
We don’t just mix innovation with precision; we forge it for the perpetual growth of our partners.
Every solution is laser-focused to hit our clients’ demands head-on. Here, innovation isn’t just welcomed; it’s aggressively pursued and expanded, transforming potential into solid outcomes.
Our team’s spirit is passionate about innovation. We clearly commit it visibly in every project we undertake. We bravely overcome any obstacle on the way to devise the best solution. This is how our R&D stands tall, this is what defines our work and sets us apart – our spirit! It’s reflected in everything we do.
We don’t just work towards creating solutions; we dream, we innovate, we achieve—transforming the very fabric of what’s possible, one tailored solution at a time.

Unmatched Support

BAK Technology storms the front with cutthroat pricing, elite-grade materials, and relentless technical support and services. For us it’s not the game; we understand the importance of high quality support for our partners. We are here for you every day, and for your power sources and lithium batteries.
Unmatched quality and support that leave competitors in the dust. We don’t just lead we dominate, setting the gold standard in the market.
This isn’t just strategy; it’s our declaration of supremacy. In the arena of innovation, BAK Technology is the undisputed champion.

Why Partner with BAK Technology?

Partner with BAK Technology and you’re choosing the elite in the professional battery world. We underscore this fact by our formidable market share of over 10%. We tailor the mastery in Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) and Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) to meet your exact demands. Our cutting-edge machinery from across the globe backs this commitment.
Our R&D team is an elite squad of top-level engineers. They dedicate their knowledge and skills to shattering the limits in innovation and excellence. This commitment is bulletproof, backed by a heavy arsenal of certifications like CB, UL, UN, CE, ISO, covering a broad spectrum of our products, from Lithium-ion and Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries to Lithium Polymer and cylindrical lithium packs.
At BAK Technology’s R&D Center, we don’t just see projects we see breakthrough opportunities in battery tech. We ensure our partners are armed with the most advanced, dependable, and tailored power solutions out there.
BAK Technologies is ready to power you up with the best batteries and power sources in the world.


With high quality, competitive price, fast delivery and good service, the company has successfully expanded its market network to all parts of the world. Teamwork has made the company a leader in the battery field.

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