Soluções comprovadas

A BAKTH possui uma gama abrangente de soluções de baterias projetadas para atender aos requisitos dos clientes em termos de desempenho, eficiência e durabilidade. A redução nas baterias de reposição simplifica a atualização de baterias de chumbo-ácido para baterias de íon-lítio.

Carrinhos de golfe

Barcos elétricos

Bicicletas Elétricas


Nós alimentamos sua paixão com soluções comprovadas

Para nós, o mundo do golfe é ao mesmo tempo um mundo de desportos de elite e um mundo de passatempos de elite. Aqui, os ataques de precisão encontram um ritmo de vida tranquilo. E há outra coisa que mudou as regras do jogo nas últimas décadas – a tecnologia, claro. Desde tecnologias para a produção de equipamentos esportivos, preparação do campo para jogo, até métodos de
movimento entre furos.
Nossa especialização está intimamente relacionada a esta última – nós da BAK Technologies desenvolvemos e produzimos baterias personalizadas para carrinhos de golfe em escala industrial. Observe que nossas fontes de alimentação de lítio cabem perfeitamente em carrinhos de golfe, como uma bola cabe em um buraco em um buraco.
We do not copy other people’s solutions, but do our own research, so our lithium and LiFePO4 batteries are the result of our developments. Our R&D team puts every effort into understanding the game from the inside, to get a feel for what exactly it is for the players.
Parece, claro, um pouco pomposo, porque um carrinho de golfe é apenas um meio de transporte e a bateria nele contida é apenas parte da funcionalidade. Mas são essas pequenas coisas que compõem a impressão geral de todo o fim de semana em campo.
Nossa equipe se concentra na criação de baterias que não sejam apenas confiáveis, mas perfeitamente alinhadas com as nuances do uso de carrinhos de golfe. Quer seja uma partida casual no clube local ou um torneio profissional, as nossas baterias garantem que os carrinhos de golfe estejam sempre prontos para rolar.
O que faz nossas baterias se destacarem? É o seu tempo de execução prolongado e natureza leve. Imagine o seguinte: você está na metade dos últimos nove anos e a bateria do seu carrinho ainda está forte, mesmo depois de várias horas. Além disso, o peso mais leve significa que o seu carrinho se movimenta melhor e se move mais rápido, ao mesmo tempo que coloca menos pressão sobre a grama. Trata-se de aproveitar melhor o seu jogo sem complicações.
A segurança é outra pedra angular dos nossos projetos. Com nossos rigorosos processos de controle de qualidade e certificações robustas, garantimos que cada bateria não apenas atenda, mas também exceda os padrões de segurança.
Essa dedicação à qualidade significa que você pode se concentrar no seu swing e não na segurança da bateria.
And let’s talk about those early morning tee times or late afternoon rounds. Sometimes the weather can let us down and suddenly deteriorate contrary to the predictions of meteorologists.
But it doesn’t matter, because our batteries are designed for any weather conditions. And if it happens that it rains like buckets during the game, a golf cart with our batteries will quickly take you to a dry and safe place. So rest easy the next time you’re planning a day off in the fields, whether it’s a humid morning or a soaking wet evening. Our batteries are designed to enhance your gaming experience. Enjoy your favorite game longer and safer.

Uma bateria é o coração de um drone. Na BAK Technologies, toda inovação começa com uma história, muito parecida com aquela que se desenrola acima das nuvens, onde nossas baterias especialmente projetadas permitem que os drones voem a novas alturas. Imagine um mundo onde os drones deslizam pelo céu, desimpedidos e eficientes, graças às baterias de lítio e LiFePO4 de última geração fabricadas pela nossa equipe. Estas baterias não são apenas produtos; são a chave para desbloquear o vasto potencial da tecnologia aérea.
Our journey of innovation starts in the meticulous labs of BAK Technologies, where our experts pour over every detail, considering the unique demands of drone manufacturers. It’s a narrative of precision and dedication, where every battery variant we create is a testament to our commitment to quality and performance. These are not just batteries; they are the lifeblood of drones, enabling longer flights and heavier payloads while maintaining a feather-light touch that defies gravity.
As drones ascend beyond the ordinary, facing high altitudes and the wrath of varied weather conditions, our batteries stand resilient. Each unit undergoes rigorous safety tests, a saga of resilience that ensures each flight is as safe as it is efficient. Our certifications are not merely stamps of approval but chapters of trust that we write together with our partners and clients.
No âmbito das operações com drones, onde cada grama de peso e cada watt de potência contam, nossas baterias emergem como campeãs em confiabilidade e potência. Não são apenas componentes; eles são os batimentos cardíacos de orquestras complexas e rumo ao céu. Vamos sonhar como será se você nos escolher como seu parceiro responsável pelo seu pacote de baterias. Este é um produto leve e compacto
drone que habilmente evita obstáculos e chega primeiro à linha de chegada, alimentado por uma bateria BAK.
Or a medium-sized drone, carrying a camera, capturing breathtaking views. These frames go viral and become exhibits in galleries and screensavers on desktops. Or a powerful cargo drone transports vital supplies, a lazy sun sets on the horizon – a serene working day, predictable in the details. Partly due to the stable reliability of the equipment. We keep this powerful image of the harmony of technology and nature in our minds.
Innovation for us is expanding the boundaries of reality, increasing the list of what is possible these days. We invite you to join us as we look forward to your participation in this tale of innovation and discovery in the incredible world of cutting-edge technology. With BAK Technologies, your passion for drone technology is not just understood but powerfully enabled.

On the vast, open water, where the horizon stretches endlessly, the electric boats powered by BAK Technologies’ batteries carve their paths with unmatched efficiency and reliability. Each battery designed for marine use is a chapter of innovation, crafted to address the unique demands of the aquatic world.
Our narrative dives deep into the heart of electric boats, where stability and efficiency are paramount. BAK batteries lighten the vessel, allowing for smoother navigation and extended cruising ranges. Imagine gliding over a glassy lake, the silence only broken by the gentle splash of water against the hull, your journey made longer and more sustainable through our advanced power solutions.
Safety holds a particularly crucial place in our marine story. Certified to meet rigorous standards, our batteries offer more than just power—they provide peace of mind. Boaters can trust in the reliability of their craft, knowing it’s equipped to handle the unpredictable moods of marine environments, from quiet docks to tempestuous seas.
But the mastery of BAK batteries extends beyond mere functionality. Engineered to resist the corrosive kiss of saltwater and excel in wet conditions, they stand as bulwarks against the elements. Whether it’s a serene lake or the challenging open sea, our batteries are not merely components; they are steadfast companions in every aquatic adventure.
Wherever you set sail on: Silent Seas or White Water, we empower your marine dreams with BAK Batteries!

Customized Solutions

Lithium battery systems are high cycle life maintenance free solutions for energy storage batteries with fully customizable features to meet any customer requirement. The battery size is suitable for standard power lead-acid batteries while meeting battery weight requirements.

Os clientes nos informam as especificações das baterias de que precisam, e nossos engenheiros projetarão e avaliarão as soluções de baterias correspondentes. Inclui produtos químicos de bateria específicos para aplicações e eletrônicos inteligentes de gerenciamento de bateria.

A sociedade moderna é inseparável dos produtos eletrônicos, e as baterias de íons de lítio são inseparáveis ​​dos pequenos telefones celulares às grandes estações base de comunicação.


Soluções Personalizadas com Engenharia de Precisão

Aqui na BAK Technologies projetamos com cuidado. Garantimos que corresponda exatamente ao que nossos clientes precisam. Além disso, mantemos a qualidade de alto nível em cada etapa. Veja como trabalhamos, passo a passo.

Processo Geral de Negócios Simplificado

We start by listening to you. You tell us exactly what kind of battery solution you’re looking for, and we take note of every detail.

Next, our engineers roll up their sleeves. They use your requirements to design a battery that fits just right. Every detail matters, no detail is overlooked.

Quality is the main priority. Over decades of existence, we have developed our own unique, detailed quality control system. It is applied already at the equirements gathering stage. And the process does not stop until the goods are shipped to the recipient.

Detailed Workflow Steps

In the heart of our approach lies a deep dive into understanding your needs. This step isn’t just the start; it’s the cornerstone of our quality assurance (QA) journey. We listen closely, capturing every detail of what you envision for your battery solution.
This step is more than just taking notes; our goal is to comprehend the essence of your requirements. This thorough understanding ensures that the solutions we craft aren’t just close fits. For us it’s important that we produce batteries, tailored precisely to your specifications. In this meticulous process of aligning with your vision, our commitment to delivering excellence begins.

Our purchasing team plays a key role here. They’re on a mission to find materials that meet our high standards.
Why? Because great products start with great materials. This step makes sure that the base of everything we build is strong and reliable. It’s no secret that high quality lithium ion batteries require high quality components. Selection, search and ordering of the highest quality components is a strong and reliable foundation on which the entire product will be built.
Procurement of materials, as well as other steps, is very important for the production of selected premium lithium batteries. It setts the stage for everything that follows.

You trust us to power your world, and we take that seriously.
Inward Quality Control (IQC), is where our commitment to excellence becomes tangible.
Once materials arrive, they don’t just walk in the door; they pass through a rigorous checkpoint.
This isn’t about ticking boxes; it’s a meticulous examination to ensure everything meets our top-tier standards.
Why is this crucial, especially for lithium batteries?
These batteries power everything from daily gadgets to crucial medical devices. Billions of people around the world depend on it.
A tiny flaw can lead to big problems. That’s why we take no chances.
We insure: each material is scrutinized for quality, consistency, and safety.
This isn’t just about us; it’s about delivering reliability to you, our customer.
This step in our process is about building trust, layer by layer. By ensuring every component is up to par, we’re not just making batteries; we’re crafting peace of mind.
This rigorous quality control means you get products that are not only powerful but also safe and dependable. When you choose our lithium batteries, you choose a product that’s been through the gauntlet for quality, all to bring you the best.

Design is the backbone of engineering. In this step, your requirements take shape in the form of blueprints, diagrams, and drawings.
Here’s how it unfolds: Blueprint Creation; Design Review; Integration.
Blueprint Creation. We take your specifications and translate them into a detailed blueprint. This is the roadmap for your battery’s journey from concept to reality.
Design Review. Our engineering team reviews the design precisely. They ensure every aspect aligns with your needs and our quality standards.
Integration. This is the magic moment. Your specs become an integral part of the product design. We ensure the final battery is a perfect fit for your requirements.
Why does this matter for lithium battery production? Well, lithium batteries are not one-size-fits-all, they must operate under different conditions, sometimes even extreme.
This process is about transforming your expectations into engineering reality.
Na fase de projeto, levamos em consideração não apenas os requisitos que você expressou, mas também os padrões e requisitos internacionais para baterias e acumuladores. Sabemos que o design em engenharia é extremamente importante. Você também sabe disso. A segurança do uso das baterias, sua confiabilidade e estabilidade e durabilidade também dependem disso.
Nós nos esforçamos para superar as expectativas e alcançar um efeito surpreendente entre nossos parceiros.

É onde a primeira versão da sua bateria fica sob os holofotes para uma verificação completa.
Pense nisso como o primeiro grande teste da bateria antes de prosseguirmos. Esta inspeção é onde comparamos o produto real com todos os critérios que concordamos. Esta etapa é rigorosa, mas necessária.
We ensure that the battery will perform safely and efficiently in the real world.
This initial review is our way of making sure that the battery we’re crafting for you is on track to meet your needs and our standards.
The goal is to catch any potential issues early on. This way, we can make any necessary adjustments before moving into full production. It’s a crucial safeguard, ensuring that the final product you receive is not just good but perfect for your needs. This attention to detail is how we maintain trust and deliver excellence, every single time.

This step ensures our production line operates like a well-oiled machine. We’ve set up a continuous monitoring system that keeps an eye on every stage of the manufacturing process.
This system is our guardian. It ensures that every step, from the initial assembly to the final touches, meets our high-quality standards and remains uniform throughout.
In the world of lithium battery production, consistency is key. Each battery needs to come out of the line meeting the same high standards, reliable for the end-user.
We equipped our monitoring system with the latest technology to spot any deviations in real-time. It allows us to make immediate corrections. This vigilance ensures that every battery produced under our roof is a testament to our commitment to excellence.
This step is crucial because it’s about more than maintaining quality; it’s about building trust.
When customers choose our batteries, they’re investing in a promise of reliability and performance.
Our process control during manufacturing is how we uphold that promise, ensuring that every battery we produce is worthy of carrying our name and powering your world.

We ensure every product is rigorously evaluated to meet our gold-standard before it reaches you.

BAK Technology provides you with the support and assistance you need, ensuring your complete satisfaction.

We promise to deal with any problems that do not meet our standards. Adjustments occur quickly and clearly, in accordance with the regulations and our agreement with you.
Together these steps are our manifesto of quality. Individually and collectively, they reflect our unwavering commitment to product reliability, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement in technology and manufacturing.