China has become the country with the largest demand for LiFePO4 batteries packs in the world. Especially from 2012 to 2013, the growth rate was close to 200%. In 2013, the transaction volume of LiFePO4 batteries pack in China was about 5,797 tons, and the global transaction volume exceeded 50. So, do you know what are the application advantages of the popular LiFePO4 batteries pack? What about future development?
1) What are the application advantages of LiFePO4 batteries pack in an energy storage system?
2) LiFePO4 batteries pack is expected to become an important development direction of energy storage batteries in the future.
3) In the future, the LiFePO4 batteries pack market may have a substantial rise.
First, the 磷酸铁锂电池 电池组安全可靠:正常使用情况下,电池正常使用寿命不低于15年;极端情况下,即使发生故障,也在可控范围内,不应发生爆炸、燃烧等危及电站安全运行的故障。其次,磷酸铁锂电池组具有能量密度高、寿命长、环保、大电流充放电、安全等优点。
目前,虽然磷酸铁锂电池组的成本高于铅酸电池,但从性价比的角度来看,磷酸铁锂电池组的循环寿命约为铅酸电池的6倍,而铁锂电池的成本则较低。磷酸盐约占铅酸电池成本的三分之一。第三,LiFePO4电池组体积小,充放电特性好。虽然锂离子电池的体积只有铅酸电池体积的三分之二,重量也只有铅酸电池的三分之一,但LiFePO4电池组充电和转换效率 放电功率可大于97%,而铅酸电池的充放电功率 conversion efficiency is about 80%. At the same temperature, using different rates of discharge current, the fully charged LiFePO4 batteries pack discharge output characteristics are very stable.
LiFePO4 batteries pack is expected to become an important development direction of energy storage batteries in the future.
一般来说,应用于储能领域的磷酸铁锂电池组一般需要3500次以上循环,即磷酸铁锂电池组的寿命在10年以上。 LiFePO4电池组的循环次数比铅酸电池和三元电池先进得多,循环次数可以进一步达到7000次以上。另外,目前磷酸铁锂电池的价格约为0.6Wh。随着原材料价格大幅下降和技术进步,磷酸铁锂电池组的性价比有望成为未来储能电池的重要发力方向。
The energy density technology of LiFePO4 batteries pack has been greatly improved. With the change of the policy trend, lithium iron phosphate is gradually favored by its advantages of low cost, high safety, and long life. The pattern of iron and lithium decline may be broken, which is also a major change for the power lithium battery request. With the increasing demand for LiFePO4 batteries packs, the future LiFePO4 batteries pack market may have a significant rise.
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